LEGO Indiana Jones: The original Adventures is a LEGO-themed, action-adventures video game produced by Traveller's Tales, and released in 1993 by LucasArts for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It stars Indiana Jones as a young boy who sets out to save his mother's friend's daughter from the Nazis and is accompanied by a wide range of friends and family members. The game's story revolves around Jones' attempts to rescue the princess, as well as to find the legendary "Holy Grail." There are a large number of LEGO minifigures available to dress up your Indiana Jones. This article will discuss some of the main Indiana Jones characters included in the game, as well as their respective characteristics.
Indiana Jones - The first playable character is Jones, who drives classic red Jeep Jeeps and sports utility vehicles. He is armed with an assortment of weapons and gadgets, including his trusty whip gun, which he uses to battle his enemies on-screen. His two companions are as cool and interesting, including a priest and a bounty hunter who help him in his quest to find the Holy Grail. There is also a playable Asian Indiana Jones, who is dressed in a Chinese costume and wields a katana. The character has unique animations and has the ability to perform special moves. There is also a number of unlockable character packs that give additional playtime with Jones, as well as various other bonuses. These packs can be purchased separately or purchased as part of an Indiana Jones Starter Pack.
The LEGO Indiana Jones sets and mini figures represent the different characters in the game. They include the playable Jones himself, as well as his best friends and loved ones. There are also several other accessories included with many sets, including a building blocks set (the Brick City Chase Sets), a display case, a set of six mini figures that is used to store the minifigures, as well as a model airplane and a replica of the Temple of Doom, the final level of the game.